Wiktoria Hanowerska - królowa Wielkiej Brytanii (Franz…
Wiktoria Hanowerska - królowa Wielkiej Brytanii i książ…
Wiktoria Hanowerska - królowa Wielkiej Brytanii (Edmund…
Wiktoria Hanowerska - królowa Wielkiej Brytanii (Franz…
Wiktoria Hanowerska - królowa Wielkiej Brytanii (John P…
1837 Queen Victoria by Richard James Lane (National Por…
Queen Victoria wearing floral hair dressing | Grand Lad…
1837 Queen Victoria engraving | Grand Ladies | gogm
1837 Queen Victoria color print etched and tinted by Ge…
1837 Queen Victoria presiding at her first Privy Counci…
1837 Alexandrina Victoria | Grand Ladies | gogm
Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Victoria by Charles Edw…
1838 Print image of Queen Victoria's coronation af…
1837 Queen Victoria on the occasion of her speech at th…
1838 Queen Victoria going out with Ladies | Grand Ladie…
1838 Victoria out riding (Corbould) | Grand Ladies | go…
1838 Her Majesty Queen Victoria in royal robes | Grand…
Her Majesty Queen Victoria and the Duchess of Sutherlan…
1838 Queen Victoria by Alfred Edward Chalon (National G…
Drawing Room at St James's - The Presentation by H…
Queen Victoria oval portrait | Grand Ladies | gogm
Victoria in evening dress on balcony black and white pr…
Victoria and Albert marriage print | Grand Ladies | gog…
1847 Queen Victoria in wedding veil by Franz Xaver Wint…
Young Queen Victoria hand-tinted engraving | Grand Ladi…
1838 Watercolour study for the painting The Queen Rides…
1840 Queen Victoria by Sir David Wilkie (private collec…
Queen Victoria color print | Grand Ladies | gogm
Queen Victoria black and white print | Grand Ladies | g…
1840 early photo of Queen Victoria | Grand Ladies | gog…
1840 Photo of Queen Victoria | Grand Ladies | gogm
1841 Queen Victoria from Steve Conrad archive | Grand L…
1840 Princess Royal's christening | Grand Ladies |…
1842 Queen Victoria wearing sapphire jewelry by Franz X…
1842 Queen Victoria after Winterhalter (Philip Mould) |…
Young Queen Victoria and two children | Grand Ladies |…
Victoria reading | Grand Ladies | gogm
1843 Queen Victoria standing by Franz Xaver Winterhalte…
1843 (published) by James Posselwhite, after Henry Corb…
1844 Queen Victoria with children Princess Royal Victor…