Sport i fitness


Handstand Rocks: From a forward fold with your fingertips on the ground, soften through your knees and transfer your weight into your right leg, tipping your weight forward so your left leg extends back behind you. Press your palms firmly on the ground under your shoulders and straighten your arms. Keep the left leg lifted and rock forward and back, just starting to get your hips over your shoulders. Start to take small hops on your right leg. When you hop up, lift your left leg high so your hips are over your shoulders, and keep your right leg dangling down so your legs are in an “L” shape. Keep breathing though the entire movement, inhaling as you rock or lightly hop up and exhaling as you release.

See if your right foot wants to leave the ground as you rock forward. Rest your gaze between your hands or just ahead of your thumbs. Lift up in your belly as you rock forward to give yourself an extra boost to get some air. Try 10 little hops on your right leg and then lift the leg up so your legs will be in the shape of the letter “L.” Then rest in a forward fold for 3 to 5 breaths and repeat on the other side.
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