Plakaty i obrazy


uine 100% hand-painted oil on canvas painting reproduction at up to 75% below gallery prices. You are commissioning an authentic hand-painted oil painting on quality artist's canvas. Painted by professional artists brushstroke-by-brushstroke with attention to all details. Order your masterpiece today and get Free Shipping Worldwide to your door direct from our art studio.

Size and Price
Size (inch) Canvas Price
12 x 16 inch $181.00
15 x 15 inch $185.00
15 x 20 inch $190.00
16 x 16 inch $196.00
16 x 18 inch $198.00
16 x 20 inch $208.00
18 x 18 inch $215.00
18 x 20 inch $228.00
20 x 20 inch $238.00
20 x 24 inch $246.00
24 x 24 inch $252.00
24 x 30 inch $258.00
24 x 36 inch $279.00
24 x 48 inch $358.00
26 x 26 inch $275.00
26 x 30 inch $285.00
28 x 28 inch $285.00
28 x 30 inch $302.00
30 x 30 inch $339.00
30 x 40 inch $386.00
36 x 36 inch $458.00
36 x 45 inch $548.00
36 x 48 inch $552.00
40 x 40 inch $532.00
48 x 48 inch $668.00
48 x 72 inch $809.00

How to Order?
1. Select your desired size and click on the Buy Now button
2. Next, on the Shopping Cart page, review your selections and click "Check out” Continue
3. Next, enter Paypal pape for shipping details, select a method of payment and Complete the Order That's it.
We will begin the reproduction process immediately. The photo of reproduction will be send to you for the quliaty preview before shipping out. Your masterpiece will be deliver to you within 20-25 days since the order confirmed.
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