DIY - zrób to sam

Bullet Journaling

Marie na Instagramie: „Only 9 days left until Christmas, I can't believe that this year is nearly over. ������ if you're looking for some awesome bullet journal essentials or cute stationary stuff, you can use my 10% discount code ������JOURNALSPIRATION10������ at @kawaiipenshop ! They have awesome little things to give away for Christmas or to treat yourself! Have a look on their website! ������ I just want to thank you for being so supportive in everything I'm doing and I hope that I can give you something back with those coupon codes! ������ I hope you're all doing well and you're not to stressed about Christmas! ������
#bulletjournal #bujojunkies #bulletjournalcommunity #planner #plannercommunity #plannergirl #filofax #filofaxing #stationary #wearebujo #germanbujojunkies #plannerstamps #studiol2e #nuuna #notebook #planwithmechallenge #journalspiration #minimalbujo #minimalistbujo #minimalbulletjournal #minimalistbulletjournal”
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