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Bullet Journal

Mary J. na Instagramie: „To help me being more active, I created this "fit through septemper"-page in my Bujo. My goal is to do at least one activity per day... ������������ Does anyone out there want to join me?
������������ Was haltet ihr von meiner Fit-durch-den-September-Seite? Mein Ziel ist, mindestens eine sportliche Aktivität pro Tag abzuhaken... Hat irgendjemand Lust, mitzumachen? ������������
#bulletjournal #bulletjournaling #bulletjournaljunkies #bulletjournallove #germanbujojunkies #leuchtturm1917 #leuchtturm1917de #bujo #bujojunkies #bujolove #planner #planneraddict #plannercommunity #plannergirl #handwriting #handlettering #tombow #notebook #bujobeauty #fitnesstracker @leuchtturm1917de”
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