Plant extract is concentrated active ingredient in plan…
Medicinal plants are currently of considerable importan…
Natural products are widely used in cosmetic preparatio…
A plant extract is a substance or an active with desira…
Carbon nanotubes are tube-shaped materials made of carb…
Dyes are colored materials because they absorb only som…
Fluorinated building blocks are compounds containing ne…
Graphene is a honeycomb planar film formed by sp2 hybri…
Pheromones are substances produced as messengers that a…
Material science is the science of researching organiza…
Metal organics are compounds containing metals and orga…
Nanomaterials can be defined as physical substances of…
In the late years, the interest in optoelectronic mater…
Organic building block is a term in organic chemistry,…
Over the years Alfa Chemistry has maintained a willingn…
Azoic dyes are organic compounds with a functional grou…
Basic dyes are called cationic dyes because the cationi…
Cationic dyes are dyes that can be dissociated into pos…
Coupler, also known as "color coupler", is an…
Direct dyes are dyes that adhere to their substrates (u…
Neutral dyes are chromium metal dyes. They are mainly c…
Pigments are materials that change the color of reflect…
Carbon nanotube (CNT) sponges are made from interconnec…
Functionalization is the introduction of small molecule…
Metal nanomaterials are metal materials in which at lea…
Nanoparticle dispersions are a series of suspensions of…
Nanopowders are agglomerates of particles, nanoparticle…
Oriented carbon nanotube arrays (OCNTAs) are a unique m…
Solvent dyes are dyes that are soluble in organic solve…
Vat dyes are a class of dyes that are classified by the…
Antistatic agent can increase the surface resistivity o…
A fullerene is a molecule of carbon in the form of a ho…
Nanoprisms, also referred to as nanoplates, are a class…
Nanorods are one morphology of nanoscale objects. Each…
Hollow nanospheres are a class of special nanomaterials…
A nanotube is a nanometer-scale tube-like structure. It…
A nanowire can be defined an extremely thin wire with l…
Porous materials are a huge family of inorganic materia…
The ammonium ionic liquid is a compound in which hydrog…
Imidazole-based ionic liquids have been used in a varie…