Sport i fitness

Sport i fitness :)

Breakkie is Served ??? We hope you have an amazing start to this new week, we sure are with these bowls of deliciousnes?

Recipe: 1 Frozen banana, 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries, I frozen mango cheek, 4tbs @bareblends vanilla bean native WPI powder, 1 cup @ccoconutwater, topped with @1111granola, gluten free, refined sugar free granola, yummmmmmm??? #fitchickslove #bareblends #ccoconutwater #smoothies #superfoods #natural #organic #food #healthytreats #fitchicks #happy #healthy #fit #strong #sexy #trainhard #workout #eatclean #getlean #foodspo #love #health #fitness #nutrition #smoothielove #healthyfoodshare #foodporn #food #love #fitness #fit #health #sexy #workout #healthy #happy #natural #nutrition #organic #strong #foodporn #smoothies #superfoods #trainhard #healthytreats #foodspo #smoothielove #ccoconutwater #healthyfoodshare #eatclean #getlean #bareblends #fitchickslove #fitchicks
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