

Fist Method

one tablespoon of turmeric one tablespoon of milk
To start, mix the two ingredients in a bowl and place on your upper lip right after. Wait for the mixture to dry and rinse after 15 minutes. Washing can also help close the pores on that region.

Second Recipe

1 tbsp. of turmeric1 tbsp. of water
As in the previous recipe, just mix the ingredients and apply the mixture on the upper lip. Because of the water, you will need to wait more than 15 minutes until it dries. You can prepare this mixture every day for a month in order to remove the upper lip hair permanently.

Third Recipe

one tablespoon of turmericone egg white½ tablespoon of sugar
Mix the ingredients until they become like a sticky paste. Apply the mixture on the upper lip region and leave it to dray. After it dries, peel it off and wash off with cold water. For best results repeat the technique 2 times a week, for four weeks.
A clean, hair-less upper lip make women more confident, makes all the makeup she wears extremely appealing, and in general adds a glow to the skin.
Girls, you don’t need to worry about upper lip hair anymore. Just put together these basic kitchen ingredients and you will have a hair-free face, glowing and charming.
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