

6. Creamy Vanilla Avocado Smoothie
Serves – 2

Total Time – 5 minutes

Ideal for – Breakfast


Frozen banana
Vanilla almond milk
Maple syrup (optional)
This vanilla-infused creamy and rich avocado and almond milk smoothie is the best way to begin your day on a super-healthy note. The banana renders a mellow sweet taste while the avocado and almond milk completely cover up the vegetal taste of the spinach. The best thing is that you can prepare this green smoothie way in advance and just give a little stir before drinking it.

Weight Loss Benefits – Oleic acid found in avocados triggers the body to quit hunger. Monounsaturated and oleic fatty acids in avocado target stubborn abdominal fat and reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome. Antioxidants present in avocado fight the free radicals which otherwise affect your metabolism and slows down the calorie burning process.
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