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1 Eat a healthy breakfast every morning. Eating breakfast kick starts your metabolism and helps you burn 10% more calories throughout the day…that’s up 10 pounds lost every year from merely eating breakfast alone.Eating breakfast wakes your metabolism from sleep so that you can start burning fat and losing weight early. It sounds strange but scientists have found that obesity rates are 35%-50% higher among people who don’t eat a breakfast every morning than among people who do.
2 Eat a good amount of protein every day, preferably plant protein. At least 220g-250g a day ( that’s 6 egg whites, 8 oz of skinless chicken breast, 6 oz of lean steak, 30 grams of Whey protein and a plate of chicken salad every 24 hours). Doing so will boost your metabolism, burn up to 30% more fat, build more muscle and keep hunger at bay. A protein diet burns 80-100 calories a day, suppresses appetite and causes you to eat 450 fewer calories. Make protein at least 25% of your daily meal to reduce obsessive thoughts about food by 60% and reduce nigh time snacking by half. The best source of protein is unrefined plant food so make sure that most of your protein comes from there.
3 Eat 25g of fiber every day ( that’s 1 ½ cups of black beans or 1 ½ cups of lentils or 3 cups of raspberries, or 3 cups of blackberries, or 2 raw Avocados, or 4 cups of bran flakes, or 6 cups of oatmeal) . Doing so boosts your metabolism by 30%, burns more fat, keeps you feeling fuller for longer, reduces blood sugar, reduces insulin, reduces blood cholesterol and make you generally healthier.
4 Drink 3-5 liters of water every day. You’d burn 50 more calories in 24 hours or 5 pounds of fat a year. Drinking water boosts your metabolism by up to 30% for up to 1 ½ hours after you drink it. Drinking half a liter of water one hour before a meal causes you to eat fewer calories and lose up to 44% more weight than you otherwise would. Water does not just flush waste off your body. It burns fat too.
5 Get as much activity into your day as possible, seize every opportunity to move, Never stay in one position for too long-for more than two hours at a time-get up and move. Remember that sedentary people gain 8 times more weight than people who move often.