



PCB electrical connectors are mounted on the PCB and are typically used for PCB to PCB interconnection, or to transfer to or from the PCB from another source within the unit. Sunkye Military/Space grade miniature PCB connectors qualified with MIL-DTL-83513 standard, with standard jackscrews and jackpots, making it ideal for flex-to-board applications, which widely used in the military area, aerospace, aviation, electrical, ship-building, UAV, Radar, defense system etc.

Micro PCB Connectors for Choice
Sunkye R04 MIL-DTL-83513 Micro D-Sub PCB F Type Connectors
Sunkye R04 MIL-DTL-83513 Micro D-Sub PCB S Type Connectors
Sunkye R04 MIL-DTL-83513 Micro D-Sub PCB FM Type Connectors
Sunkye R04 MIL-DTL-83513 Micro D-Sub PCB S1 Type Connectors

Description of Micro PCB Connectors

A "PCB" or Printed Circuit Board connects electrical components on a conductive track or between pads on the board. Some devices hold more than one PCB and will utilise a variety of PCB to PCB connectors to build a connection between the boards. Designed to connect printed circuit boards in a variety of settings, high voltage PCB connectors securely transmit signal and power between boards.
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