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INDIBA RET High Frequency Machine

The INDIBA RET High Frequency Machine is a cutting-edge beauty device that offers both CET (Capacitive Electrode Transfer) and RET (Resistive Electrode Transfer) technologies. It is designed to provide safe and effective treatments for skin and body care, pain relief, and physical therapy.

INDIBA RET High Frequency Machine Detailed Description
It is the unique system that stimulates intra and extra cellular ion exchange restoring physiological cell electrical activity, which enables the correct functionality of the cells.

Based on the 448 kHz frequency which is the key of our active cell therapy, it activates biostimulation, stimulates microcirculation and promotes metabolic hyperactivation, while respecting cell physiology.

INDIBA RET High Frequency Machine Principle
The 448 kHz frequency enhances ion mobilisation through the intra and extracellular matrix that restores the permeability of cell membrane potential.

The cellular electrical balance optimises tissue recovery by supplying oxygen and nutrients, through the body’s natural blood supply. The circulatory activation (microcirculation and vasodilation) stimulates proliferation and fibroblasts activity generated by collagen. The result is tissue regeneration promoted by the 448 kHz frequency.

CET (Capacitive Electronic Transfer)
Insulated Electrode Current to be transferred“by Capacity” to the patient Go int 3 to 5 cm depth deep Effective for skin,lifting,pain relief.

RET Resistive Electric Transfer
Stainless Steel Electrode (not insulated)Current to be transferred dinectly to the paient Go Into 9 to 12cm depth, deep Effective for the subcutaneous fat.
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