

Powell Prism
The Powell prism is an optical line generator prism primarily used to optimize a laser beam into a straight line with uniform light density, good stability, and excellent linearity. Through a complex two-dimensional aspheric surface design, it redistributes the light path by reducing the light in the central region and increasing it at the edges, thereby forming a straight line with evenly distributed energy.

Features of Powell Prism
The Powell prism can optimally transform a laser beam into a straight line with uniform light density, good stability, and excellent linearity. Unlike cylindrical lenses, which produce a Gaussian beam with a central hotspot and fading edges, the Powell prism eliminates the central hotspot and fading edge distribution of the Gaussian beam, resulting in a straight line with evenly distributed energy. The full fan angle ranges from 1° to 120°, with standard specifications including 5°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 40°, 45°, 50°, 60°, 70°, 80°, 90°, 110°, and 120°.
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