

Metabolism Booster Smoothie


½ cup strong brewed green tea // Puchar silne parzonej zielonej herbaty
¼ cup coconut milk // kubek mleka kokosowego
1 cup pineapple (frozen) // Puchar ananas (mrożone)
1 unripe banana (frozen in quarters) // niedojrzałych bananów (zamrożone w kwartałach)
1 large grapefruit (peeled, chopped, and frozen) // duży grejpfrut (obrane, posiekane i mrożone)
70 g spinach, frozen (you can use fresh, but the smoothie won't be as thick) // szpinak, zamrożone (można użyć świeżych, ale smoothie nie będzie tak gruba)
4-5 large ice cubes // 4-5 duże kostki lodu
10 g plain whey protein (or favorite protein powder) // 10 g zwykłego białka serwatki (lub ulubione białko w proszku)


Add the liquids first, then the rest of the ingredients to a blender. Blend well, until the greens are well blended into your smoothie.
If you don't like your smoothies thick (I like mine super frozen and thick), add more liquid, or omit the ice.
The spinach I use comes frozen in ice-cube sized pieces. I use 7 frozen cubes.

I've found that my blender is able to make a thicker smoothie if I make 2 smoothies at a time. If you don't have someone around to share with, freeze 1! I keep my plastic cups from Starbucks, fill them up, and freeze, and then the next day I just defrost for about an hour and it's still very thick and sipable once I've stirred it well.

Oranges also work well in place of the pineapple.
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