

15 Minute Sun Dried Tomato Pan Bread

200 g self raising flour (1⅔ cups)
100 g sun dried tomatoes (1/2 cup)
⅓ cup water
2 Tbsp EVOO
Optional - a couple leaves of fresh basil
pinch of salt and pepper

Combine flour, salt and pepper, sun dried tomatoes and blitz in a food processor until pinkish.
Add water and oil and blitz until forms a ball, stop and dust with a bit of flour to remove from bowl.
Heat a 12 inch pan on medium heat, add 1 Tbsp EVOO and press dough into pan.
Set timer for 5 minutes and DONT TOUCH until it goes off.
Once 5 minutes is up, flip on a flat surface and then transfer into pan for another 5 minutes.
Tear into rough pieces and serve - YUM.

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